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Yo, I’m Markus! On gap year from Stanford CS, I’m self-learning AI (& math) and designing great AI-first products.

I also reflect on my life in Substack.

🏠 Where I’ve been

I’ve been an AI engineer at Nox AI, Galileo AI and EntryLevel. In high school, I also built Edu-pal, a Google Meet extension for live Q&A in remote classes — which grew to 500k logins before COVID-19 ended.

What I’m reading

⚙️ What I’ve built

  • ClassX: AR classes in Vision Pro with generated AI videos. Built @ TreeHacks
  • LlamaGym: OpenAI Gym-like framework to tune LLM agents on online RL. Built w Rohan @ AGI House SF
  • Softermax: Can changing Softmax fix “no-op” attention heads?
  • BabyDoctor: Llama 2 x Ultrasound x LoRA finetuning = an AI radiologist (totally not medical advice). Built @ 4Catalyzer Hackathon, won 2nd prize
  • Playflow: Built a web crawler for 10M Spotify playlists — to pretrain embeddings for song recs (like a search graph).
  • Securus: Pokemon Go for COVID-19 — an AI traffic camera makes sure you wear a mask. Won @ AWS Southeast Asia Hackathon.

> “One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful.” - Freud